API v2 Reference

The Anchor API is organized around REST. Our API is designed to have predictable, resource-oriented URLs, and to use HTTP response codes to indicate API errors. We use built-in HTTP features, like HTTP authentication and HTTP verbs, which can be understood by off-the-shelf HTTP clients. JSON will be returned in all responses from the API, including errors.



All requests to the Anchor API must be performed over HTTPS. Non-HTTPS requests will be rejected.


Anchor uses conventional HTTP response codes to indicate success or failure of an API request. In general, codes in the 2xx range indicate success, codes in the 4xx range indicate an error that resulted from the provided information (i.e. a required parameter was missing or invalid, the request is malformed, etc.), and codes in the 5xx range indicate an error with the Anchor server.

HTTP Status Code Summary

  • 200 OK - Everything worked as expected.
  • 304 Not Modified - The response has not changed since a previous request.
  • 400 Bad Request - The request is missing a required parameter, includes an invalid parameter value, or is otherwise malformed.
  • 401 Unauthorized - No valid authentication provided.
  • 403 Forbidden - The request was refused because the authenticated user does not have access.
  • 404 Not Found - The requested resource does not exist.
  • 405 Method Not Allowed - An invalid HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.) was used.
  • 409 Conflict - The request results in a conflict with the current state of the resource.
  • 410 Gone - The requested resource did exist, but was permanently deleted.
  • 500, 502, 503, 504 Server errors - Something went wrong on Anchor's end.


All API responses return a JSON object. For consistency, this is also true even in cases where the HTTP status code conveys the full response. For example, some API methods simply indicate that they were successful with an HTTP 200 status code. In those cases, the response will be:

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "status": "ok"

Another case is when an HTTP 304 status code is returned, indicating that the client should use their cached response from a previous request.

HTTP status code: 304
Response body:
    "status": "not_modified"

Exact responses may be found in the details of each method.


In the case of an error, the API will use an appropriate HTTP status code in the response. JSON with details of the type of error that occurred and, when available, a human-readable description of the error will also be returned.

The following are common errors that may be encountered when working with the API:

Invalid request
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_request"
Access denied
HTTP status code: 401
Response body:
    "error": "access_denied"
HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"
Not found
HTTP status code: 404
Response body:
    "error": "not_found"
Unknown error
HTTP status code: 500
Response body:
    "error": "unknown"
Request is using an insecure transport
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "insecure_transport",
    "error_description": "Requests MUST utilize https."
Request is missing a required parameter
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_request",
    "error_description": "Missing required parameter: <param>"
Request contains an invalid parameter value
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_request",
    "error_description": "Invalid value for parameter: <param>"
Date is not properly formatted
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_date_format",
    "error_description": "Invalid date format. The expected format is: YYYY-MM-DD"
Date/time is not properly formatted
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_datetime_format",
    "error_description": "Invalid datetime format. The expected format is: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS"
License is expired
HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "license_expired"
Trial is expired
HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "trial_expired"

Errors specific to certain methods may be found in the method details.


Major API versions are selected based on the endpoint URL. It is our intention to maintain backwards compatibility within a major version throughout its lifetime, except where security issues are involved. The minor API version in use can be determined by calling the version method.


Unless otherwise noted, all Anchor API methods require authentication via OAuth2. Currently it supports the password and refresh token grant types, with authorization code and client credential grants coming in the near future.

The OAuth2 provider is not specific to an API version. For details on obtaining, refreshing, and revoking OAuth2 access tokens see the OAuth2 documentation.


Request a password reset token

POST /api/2/reset_password
  • email: the email address of the user initiating the password reset.
  • destination: the destination URL to which the user should be sent to confirm the password reset. The destination's first-level domain name must match either the domain in the API request or the hostname of the user's organization. It must also contain a "{token}" placeholder, which will be replaced with the generated password reset token.
HTTP status code: 200

Confirm a password reset token

Confirming a reset token will return new OAuth2 access tokens, which may then be used to set the user's password via the update person method.

POST /api/2/reset_password/confirm
  • token: the password reset token.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "access_token": "<access_token>",
    "expires_in": 3600,
    "token_type": "Bearer",
    "refresh_token": "<refresh_token>",
    "scope": "full"
Password reset token expired
HTTP status code: 401
Response body:
    "error": "password_reset_token_expired"


The version method returns the exact API version available in the format <major>.<minor>.<revision>. Authentication is not required.

GET /api/2/version
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "version": "2.0.9"

File system

Root object

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier of the root

  • name string

    The name of the root

  • path string


  • is_locked boolean

    Whether the root is locked

  • root_type string

    The type of the root: "sync", "share", or "backup"

  • space_used integer

    The total size of the root in bytes

  • space_used_formatted string

    The total size of the root in human friendly formatting

  • children list

    A list of child files and folders

  • permissions list

    A list of the authenticated user's permissions on the root.

  • hash string

    A hash of the root metadata used for results caching

    "ancestors": [
        ...ancestor folders and/or root...
    "children": [
        ...child files and folders...
    "hash": "<hash>",
    "id": 1,
    "is_locked": false,
    "name": "Example Files",
    "path": "/",
    "permissions": [
    "root_type": "sync",
    "space_used": 10000,
    "space_used_formatted": "10k",
    "type": "root"

File object

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier of the file

  • revision_id integer

    The unique revision identifier of the file

  • root_id integer

    The identifier of the root containing the file

  • name string

    The file name

  • path string

    The absolute path of the file within the root

  • is_deleted boolean

    Whether the file is deleted

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the file was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • modified string

    The date/time in UTC the file was last modified in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • size integer

    The size of the file in bytes

  • size_formatted string

    The size of the file in human friendly formatting

  • is_locked boolean

    Whether the file is locked

  • permissions list

    A list of the authenticated user's permissions on the file.

  • ancestors list

    A list of the file's ancestors in order of increasing depth. Depending on context the first entry may be the top-level root object.

    "ancestors": [
        ...ancestor folders and/or root...
    "created": "2015-01-01T01:02:03",
    "id": 1,
    "is_deleted": false,
    "is_locked": false,
    "modified": "2015-01-01T02:03:04",
    "name": "file.ext",
    "path": "/path/to/file.ext",
    "permissions": [
    "revision_id": 1,
    "root_id": 1,
    "size": 12205,
    "size_formatted": "11.92k",
    "type": "file"

Folder object

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier of the folder

  • root_id integer

    The identifier of the root containing the folder

  • name string

    The folder name

  • path string

    The absolute path of the folder within the root

  • is_deleted boolean

    Whether the folder is deleted

  • is_locked boolean

    Whether the folder is locked

  • children list

    A list of child files and folders

  • permissions list

    A list of the authenticated user's permissions on the folder.

  • hash string

    A hash of the folder metadata used for results caching

  • ancestors list

    A list of the folder's ancestors in order of increasing depth. Depending on context the first entry may be the top-level root object.

    "children": [
        ...child files and folders...
    "hash": "<hash>",
    "id": 1,
    "is_deleted": false,
    "is_locked": false,
    "name": "name",
    "path": "/path/to/name",
    "permissions": [
    "root_id": 1,
    "type": "folder"

Revision object

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier of the revision

  • file_id integer

    The unique identifier of the file

  • root_id integer

    The identifier of the root containing the revision

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the revision was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • modified string

    The date/time in UTC the revision was last modified in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • full_size integer

    The size of the revision's full image file, if applicable, in bytes

  • full_size_formatted string

    The size of the revision's full image file, if applicable, in human friendly formatting

  • delta_size integer

    The size of the revision's delta image file, if applicable, in bytes

  • delta_size_formatted string

    The size of the revision's delta image file, if applicable, in human friendly formatting

  • file_size integer

    The size of the file at time of this revision in bytes

  • file_size_formatted string

    The size of the file at time of this revision in human friendly formatting

    "created": "2019-12-05T14:12:11",
    "delta_size": 4096,
    "delta_size_formatted": "4.00 KB",
    "file_id": 1953,
    "file_size": 14679,
    "file_size_formatted": "14.33 KB",
    "full_size": 11200,
    "full_size_formatted": "10.94 KB",
    "id": 3747,
    "modified": "2019-12-05T14:12:11",
    "root_id": 1,
    "type": "revision"

Root space usage object

  • type string


  • del_file_count integer

    Number of deleted files

  • del_revision_count integer

    Number of deleted revisions

  • deleted_size integer

    Space usage of deleted files in bytes

  • deleted_size_formatted string

    Space usage of deleted files in human friendly formatting

  • file_count integer

    Total number of files

  • head_size integer

    Space usage of non-deleted files in bytes

  • head_size_formatted string

    Space usage of non-deleted files in human friendly formatting

  • physical_size integer

    Total space usage in bytes

  • physical_size_formatted string

    Total space usage in human friendly formatting

  • revision_count integer

    Number of revisions

  • revision_size integer

    Space usage of revisions in bytes

  • revision_size_formatted string

    Space usage of revisions in human friendly formatting

  • root_count integer

    The total number of roots included in the usage metrics

    "del_file_count": 5,
    "del_revision_count": 5,
    "deleted_size": 395168,
    "deleted_size_formatted": "385.91 KB",
    "file_count": 504,
    "head_size": 41533273,
    "head_size_formatted": "39.61 MB",
    "physical_size": 43199769,
    "physical_size_formatted": "41.20 MB",
    "revision_count": 2275,
    "revision_size": 1271328,
    "revision_size_formatted": "1.21 MB",
    "root_count": 21,
    "type": "root_space_usage"

File methods

Get file metadata

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>
Query Parameters
  • include_ancestors: whether to include the file's ancestors in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • include_permissions: whether to include the user's file permissions in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a file object...

Download a file

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/download
GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/view

Whether the file is downloaded via the download endpoint or view endpoint determines the Content-Disposition in the response -- attachment or inline, respectively.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
<binary file data>

Share a file

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/share
POST Fields
  • login_required: whether users must log in to access the share. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • expires: a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD the share expires. Defaults to no expiration.
  • subscribers: a comma-separated list of subscribers by email address.
  • notify_subscribers: "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • download_limit: the total number of downloads allowed for the share. Defaults to unlimited.
  • download_notify: whether you want to be notified of downloads. "true" or "false". Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a file share link object...

Rename a file

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/rename
POST Fields
  • name: the new file name. Required.
Invalid file name
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_name"
Invalid file extension
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_extension"
A file with the same name already exists
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"

Move a file

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/move
POST Fields
  • to_folder_id: the destination folder ID. To move to the root, omit this parameter.
A file with the same name already exists in the destination
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"

Lock a file

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/lock
POST Fields
  • duration: the number of minutes after which the lock will be automatically released.
HTTP status code: 200

Unlock a file

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/unlock
HTTP status code: 200

Delete a file

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/delete
HTTP status code: 200

List file revisions

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/revisions
Query Parameters
  • include_related: whether to include all revisions of all the files that have the same current path as the given file (i.e. all revisions that would replace the given file if restored). "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • page: the results page to return: 1 to max_page. Default 1.
  • page_size: the number of results to return per page: 1 to 100. Default 20.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 20,
    "max_page": 3,
    "results": [
        ...up to page_size revision objects...
    "total": 42
  • page: the page given in the method call or 1.
  • page_size: the page_size given in the method call or 20.
  • max_page: the total number of result pages.
  • results: a list of revision objects.
  • total: the total number of result records available.

Get revision metadata

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/revisions/<revision_id>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a revision object...

Download a revision

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/revisions/<revision_id>/download
GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/<file_id>/revisions/<revision_id>/view
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
<binary file data>

Whether the revision is downloaded via the download endpoint or view endpoint determines the Content-Disposition in the response -- attachment or inline, respectively.

Folder methods

Get folder metadata

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>
Query Parameters
  • include_ancestors: whether to include the folder's ancestors in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • include_children: whether to include the folder's children in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_deleted: whether to include deleted children in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_lock_info: whether to include lock information in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_permissions: whether to include the user's file and folder permissions in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • hash: the hash value returned by the last call to this method. Only used when include_children is "true".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a folder object...

children is a list of file and folder metadata objects within the folder. It is only present when include_children is "true".

The hash value represents a signature for the response data. If the hash value in the response would be identical to the hash value passed by the client, then HTTP 304 Not Modified will be returned. hash is only present when include_children is "true".

Get metadata for a folder's children

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/children

Returns metadata for the immediate children of a folder with options for sorting and pagination.

Query Parameters
  • include_deleted: whether to include deleted children in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_lock_info: whether to include lock information in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_permissions: whether to include the user's file and folder permissions in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • sort_by: the field on which to sort: "name", "modified", or "size". Default "name".
  • sort_order: the sort direction: "asc" or "desc". Default "asc".
  • page: the results page to return: 1 to max_page. Default 1.
  • page_size: the number of results to return per page: 1 to 100. Default 20.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 20,
    "max_page": 3,
    "results": [
        ...up to page_size file and folder objects...
    "total": 42

Upload a file to a folder

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/upload
POST Fields
  • file: Required.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...file metadata...
No file received
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "no_file_received",
    "error_description": "Missing required file: file"
File rejected due to company policy
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "policy_error"
Invalid file name
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_name"
Invalid file extension
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_extension"
A file with the same name already exists
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"

Create a subfolder

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/create_folder
POST Fields
  • name: the new folder name. Required.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...folder metadata...
Invalid folder name
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_name"
Folder name is too long
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "name_too_long"
A folder with the same name already exists
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"

Download a folder

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/download
GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/download
Query Parameters
  • file_ids: a comma-separated list of file IDs to include in the download. Must be direct children of the resource specified in the request.
  • folder_ids: a comma-separated list of folder IDs to include in the download. Must be direct children of the resource specified in the request.

If either file_ids or folder_ids is present, the download will include only the items specified.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
<binary zip file data>

Share a folder

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/share
POST Fields
  • login_required: whether users must log in to access the share. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • expires: a date in the format YYYY-MM-DD the share expires. Defaults to no expiration.
  • subscribers: a comma-separated list of subscribers by email address.
  • notify_subscribers: "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • download_limit: the total number of downloads allowed for the share. Defaults to unlimited.
  • download_notify: whether you want to be notified of downloads. "true" or "false". Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a folder share link object...

Rename a folder

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/rename
POST Fields
  • name: the new folder name. Required.
Invalid folder name
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_name"
Folder name is too long
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "name_too_long"
A folder with the same name already exists
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"

Move a folder

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/move
POST Fields
  • to_folder_id: the destination folder ID. To move to the root, omit this parameter.
A folder with the same name already exists in the destination
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"

Lock a folder

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/lock
POST Fields
  • duration: the number of minutes after which the lock will be automatically released.
HTTP status code: 200

Unlock a folder

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/unlock
HTTP status code: 200

Delete a folder

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/folder/<folder_id>/delete
HTTP status code: 200

Root methods

Get root metadata

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>
Query Parameters
  • include_children: whether to include the root's children in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_deleted: whether to include deleted children in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_lock_info: whether to include lock information in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_permissions: whether to include the user's root, file, and folder permissions in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • hash: the hash value returned by the last call to this method. Only used when include_children is "true".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a root object...

Possible values for root_type are "sync", "share", and "backup".

children is a list of file and folder metadata objects at the top level of the root. It is only present when include_children is "true".

The hash value represents a signature for the response data. If the hash value in the response would be identical to the hash value passed by the client, then HTTP 304 Not Modified will be returned. hash is only present when include_children is "true".

HTTP status code: 304

Get metadata for a root's children

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/children

Returns metadata for the immediate children of a root with options for sorting and pagination.

Query Parameters
  • include_deleted: whether to include deleted children in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_lock_info: whether to include lock information in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_permissions: whether to include the user's file and folder permissions in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • sort_by: the field on which to sort: "name", "modified", or "size". Default "name".
  • sort_order: the sort direction: "asc" or "desc". Default "asc".
  • page: the results page to return: 1 to max_page. Default 1.
  • page_size: the number of results to return per page: 1 to 100. Default 20.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 20,
    "max_page": 3,
    "results": [
        ...up to page_size file and folder objects...
    "total": 42

Upload a file to a root

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/upload
POST Fields
  • file: Required.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...file metadata...
No file received
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "no_file_received",
    "error_description": "Missing required file: file"
File rejected due to company policy
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "policy_error"
Invalid file name
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_name"
Invalid file extension
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_extension"
A file with the same name already exists
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"

Create a folder in a root

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/create_folder
POST Fields
  • name: the new folder name. Required.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...folder metadata...
Invalid folder name
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_name"
Folder name is too long
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "name_too_long"
A folder with the same name already exists
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"

Search files and folders

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/search
Query Parameters
  • q: the search term. Required.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": [
        ...file and folder metadata...

List recently modified files

GET /api/2/files/<root_id>/modified_since
Query Parameters
  • since: a date/time in UTC in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. Required.
  • include_deleted: "true" or "false". Default "true".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": [
        ...file metadata...

Lock a root

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/lock
POST Fields
  • duration: the number of minutes after which the lock will be automatically released.
HTTP status code: 200

Unlock a root

POST /api/2/files/<root_id>/unlock
HTTP status code: 200


The following errors may occur for any file system method and are not explicity mentioned in the method descriptions.

Authenticated user does not have access to the root

HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"

Root, Folder, or File does not exist

HTTP status code: 404
Response body:
    "error": "not_found"

Root, Folder, or File is locked

HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "resource_locked"

Root is no longer accessible because it was deleted

HTTP status code: 410
Response body:
    "error": "root_deleted",
    "error_description": "Root was previously deleted."

The file server is busy or temporarily unavailable

HTTP status code: 503
Response body:
    "error": "temporarily_unavailable",
    "error_description": "Service is temporarily unavailable.""


Organization object

An organization represents a collection people, machines, roots, and other child organizations. Access control, policies, and most system settings are applied at the organization level.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the organization

  • parent_id integer

    The unique identifier of the parent organization

  • name string

    The organization name

  • slug string

    The URL friendly organization name

  • description string

    A description of the organization

  • email string

    The organization's contact email address

  • hostname string

    The hostname your organization's agents will use to connect

  • policy object

    A policy object

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the organization was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • email_server_id integer

  • bandwidth_throttle integer

  • throttle_exception_start string

  • throttle_exception_end string

  • throttle_exception_dow list of integers

  • throttle_exception_days string

  • throttle_exception_throttle integer

  • throttled boolean

    Whether bandwidth throttling is enabled for the organization

  • active boolean

    Whether the organization is active

  • plan_id integer

  • trial_until string

    The date/time in UTC the organization's trial period expires in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • subscription_uuid string

  • share_disclaimer string

  • default_encryption integer

  • email_templates boolean

  • privacy_mode boolean

    Whether privacy mode is enabled for the organization

    "active": true,
    "bandwidth_throttle": null,
    "created": "2013-10-08T05:45:40",
    "default_encryption": 1,
    "description": "",
    "email": "organization@example.com",
    "email_server_id": null,
    "email_templates": false,
    "hostname": "",
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Example Organization",
    "parent_id": 1,
    "plan_id": null,
    "policy": {
        ...a policy object...
    "privacy_mode": false,
    "share_disclaimer": null,
    "slug": "example-organization",
    "subscription_uuid": null,
    "throttle_exception_days": null,
    "throttle_exception_dow": null,
    "throttle_exception_end": null,
    "throttle_exception_start": null,
    "throttle_exception_throttle": null,
    "throttled": false,
    "trial_until": null,
    "type": "organization"

Policy object

  • type string


  • company_id integer

    The identifier of the organization to which the policy belongs

  • ad_enabled boolean

  • admin_browse_files boolean

    Whether administrators can browse files

  • admin_browse_remote boolean

    Whether administrators can browser remote files

  • admin_create_users boolean

    Whether administrators can create users

  • backups_enabled boolean

    Whether backups are enabled

  • branding_enabled boolean

    Whether custom branding is enabled

  • change_password_frequency

  • deactivate_token_frequency

  • excluded_extensions string

    A comma-delimited list of file extensions not allowed to be uploaded

  • file_server_enabled boolean

  • locked_extensions string

    A comma-delimited list of file extensions

  • max_file_size integer

    The maximum uploaded file size in XX

  • monthly_cost_cents integer

  • monthly_cost_currency string

  • num_orgs_maximum integer

    The maximum number of child organizations allowed

  • num_users_maximum integer

    The maximum number of users allowed

  • psa_enabled boolean

    Whether PSA integration is enabled

  • purge_deleted boolean

    Whether deleted files are automatically purged

  • purge_deleted_frequency

    The frequency at which deleted files are automatically purged

  • require_mobile_lock boolean

    Whether mobile app users are required to use a PIN lock

  • require_two_step_auth boolean

    Whether users are required to enable two-step authentication

  • secure_shares boolean

    Whether file shares are required to be private

  • service_plans_enabled boolean

  • space_quota integer

    The maximum space allowed to be used by the organization

  • space_quota_formatted integer

    The maximum space allowed to be used by the organization in human friendly formatting

  • trial_length_days integer

  • trim_revisions boolean

    Whether file revisions are automatically trimmed

  • trim_revisions_x

  • user_create_backups boolean

    Whether users are allowed to create backup roots

  • user_create_shares boolean

    Whether users are allowed to share files

  • user_lock_files boolean

    Whether users are allowed to lock files

  • user_purge_deleted boolean

    Whether users are allowed to purge deleted files

  • user_trim_revisions boolean

    Whether users are allowed to trim file revisions

  • webdav_enabled boolean

    Whether WebDAV access is enabled

    "ad_enabled": true,
    "admin_browse_files": true,
    "admin_browse_remote": true,
    "admin_create_users": true,
    "backups_enabled": true,
    "branding_enabled": true,
    "change_password_frequency": null,
    "company_id": 2,
    "deactivate_token_frequency": "",
    "excluded_extensions": ".$$,.$db,.113,.3g2,.3gp,.3gp2,.3gpp,.3mm,.a,.abf,.abk,.afm,.ani,.ann,.asf,.avi,.avs,.bac,.bak,.bck,.bcm,.bdb,.bdf,.bkf,.bkp,.bmk,.bsc,.bsf,.cab,.cf1,.chm,.chq,.chw,.cnt,.com,.cpl,.cur,.dev,.dfont,.dll,.dmp,.drv,.dv,.dvd,.dvr,.dvr-ms,.eot,.evt,.exe,.ffa,.ffl,.ffo,.ffx,.flc,.flv,.fnt,.fon,.ftg,.fts,.fxp,.gid,.grp,.hdd,.hlp,.hxi,.hxq,.hxr,.hxs,.ico,.idb,.idx,.ilk,.img,.inf,.ini,.ins,.ipf,.iso,.isp,.its,.jar,.jse,.kbd,.kext,.key,.lex,.lib,.library-ms,.lnk,.log,.lwfn,.m1p,.m1v,.m2p,.m2v,.m4v,.mem,.mkv,.mov,.mp2,.mp2v,.mp4,.mpe,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpv,.mpv2,.msc,.msi,.msm,.msp,.mst,.ncb,.nt,.nvram,.o,.obj,.obs,.ocx,.old,.ost,.otf,.pch,.pf,.pfa,.pfb,.pfm,.pnf,.pol,.pref,.prf,.prg,.prn,.pvs,.pwl,.qt,.rdb,.reg,.rll,.rox,.sbr,.scf,.scr,.sdb,.shb,.suit,.swf,.swp,.sys,.theme,.tivo,.tmp,.tms,.ttc,.ttf,.v2i,.vbe,.vga,.vgd,.vhd,.video,.vmc,.vmdk,.vmsd,.vmsn,.vmx,.vxd,.win,.wpk",
    "file_server_enabled": false,
    "locked_extensions": ".doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.txt,.xlsb,.xlsm,.csv,.docm,.dotx,.dotm,.pub,.wpd,.odt,.ott,.oth,.odm,.ots,.odp,.odg,.otp,.odf,.oxt,.odc,.ods,.vdx,.vsx,.vtx,.one",
    "max_file_size": 1,
    "monthly_cost_cents": 0,
    "monthly_cost_currency": "",
    "num_orgs_maximum": 10,
    "num_users_maximum": 0,
    "psa_enabled": true,
    "purge_deleted": false,
    "purge_deleted_frequency": "",
    "require_mobile_lock": true,
    "require_two_step_auth": false,
    "secure_shares": false,
    "service_plans_enabled": false,
    "space_quota": "1073741824",
    "trial_length_days": 30,
    "trim_revisions": false,
    "trim_revisions_x": "",
    "type": "policy",
    "user_create_backups": true,
    "user_create_shares": true,
    "user_lock_files": true,
    "user_purge_deleted": false,
    "user_trim_revisions": false,
    "webdav_enabled": true

Organization usage object

    "backup_space_usage": {
        ...a root space usage object...
    "counts": {
        ...an organization usage counts object...
    "team_share_space_usage": {
        ...a root space usage object...
    "total_space_usage": {
        ...a root space usage object...
    "type": "organization_usage",
    "user_space_usage": {
        ...a root space usage object...

Organization usage counts object

  • type string


  • accounts integer

    Total number of accounts

  • admin_accounts integer

    Number of admin accounts

  • groups integer

    Number of groups

  • guests integer

    Number of guests

  • machines integer

    Number of machines

  • organizations integer

    Number of organizations

    "accounts": 11,
    "admin_accounts": 5,
    "groups": 8,
    "guests": 4,
    "machines": 6,
    "organizations": 7,
    "type": "organization_usage_counts"

Organization methods

Get an organization

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>
GET /api/2/organization/<license_key>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...an organization object...

Create an organization

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/organizations/create
POST Fields
  • name: the organization name.
  • email: the organization's contact email address.
  • hostname: a unique hostname for the organization, used in links to resources and shares. This should be only the third-level portion of the hostname (e.g. "company" in "company.example.com"). Not required for single host configurations.
  • slug: a unique, URL-friendly organization identifier. For example, an organization named "Widgets, Ltd." may have the slug "widgets-ltd".
  • description: a description of the organization. Defaults to empty.
  • parent_id: the ID of the parent organization. Defaults to the root organization.
  • trial_until: a date/time in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS the organization trial period expires. Defaults to no trial period.
  • share_disclaimer:
  • space_quota: space quota in bytes. Default 2199023255552.
  • max_file_size: max file size in MB. Default 300.
  • excluded_extensions: excluded extensions. Default ".$$,.$db,.113,.3g2,.3gp,.3gp2,.3gpp,.3mm,.a,.abf,.abk,.afm,.ani,.ann,.asf,.avi,.avs,.bac,.bak,.bck,.bcm,.bd2,.bdb,.bdf,.bkf,.bkp,.bmk,.bsc,.bsf,.cab,.cf1,.chm,.chq,.chw,.cnt,.com,.cpl,.cur,.dbs,.dev,.dfont,.dll,.dmp,.drv,.dv,.dvd,.dvr,.dvr-ms,.eot,.evt,.exe,.ffa,.ffl,.ffo,.ffx,.flc,.flv,.fnt,.fon,.ftg,.fts,.fxp,.gid,.grp,.hdd,.hlp,.hxi,.hxq,.hxr,.hxs,.ico,.idb,.idx,.ilk,.img,.inf,.ini,.ins,.ipf,.iso,.isp,.its,.jar,.jse,.kbd,.kext,.key,.lex,.lib,.library-ms,.lnk,.log,.lwfn,.m1p,.m1v,.m2p,.m2v,.m4v,.mem,.mkv,.mov,.mp2,.mp2v,.mp4,.mpe,.mpeg,.mpg,.mpv,.mpv2,.msc,.msi,.msm,.msp,.mst,.ncb,.nt,.nvram,.o,.obj,.obs,.ocx,.old,.ost,.otf,.pch,.pd6,.pf,.pfa,.pfb,.pfm,.pnf,.pol,.pref,.prf,.prg,.prn,.pst,.pvs,.pwl,.QBA,.QBA.TLG,.QBW,.QBW.TLG,.qt,.rdb,.reg,.rll,.rox,.sbr,.scf,.scr,.sdb,.shb,.suit,.swf,.swp,.sys,.theme,.tivo,.tmp,.tms,.ttc,.ttf,.v2i,.vbe,.vga,.vgd,.vhd,.video,.vmc,.vmdk,.vmsd,.vmsn,.vmx,.vxd,.win,.wpk".
  • user_trim_revisions: allow users to erase revisions? Default "false".
  • trim_revisions: auto-erase revisions? Default "false".
  • trim_revisions_x: erase revisions for files unchanged after a certain number of days. Default.
  • user_purge_deleted: allow users to erase deleted files? Default "false".
  • purge_deleted: auto-erase deleted files? Default "false".
  • purge_deleted_frequency: erase deleted files after a certain number of days. Default never.
  • deactivate_token_frequency: deactivate API tokens after a certain number of days. Default 30.
  • user_create_backups: allow users to create their own backups? Default "true".
  • user_create_shares: allow users to share files? Default "true".
  • secure_shares: force new share links to require login? Default "false".
  • user_overwrite_collisions: allow users to overwrite collisions? Default "false".
  • user_bulk_resolve_warnings: allow users to resolve multiple warnings at once? Default "false".
  • user_lock_files: allow users to lock files? Default "false".
  • locked_extensions: use filesystem permissions to enforce locks on. Default ".doc,.docx,.xls,.xlsx,.ppt,.pptx,.pdf,.txt,.xlsb,.xlsm,.csv,.docm,.dotx,.dotm,.pub,.wpd,.odt,.ott,.oth,.odm,.ots,.odp,.odg,.otp,.odf,.oxt,.odc,.ods,.vdx,.vsx,.vtx,.one".
  • admin_browse_files: let organization admins browse user files? Default "true".
  • admin_browse_remote: let organization admins browse remote files? Default "true".
  • admin_create_users: let organization admins create users? Default "true".
  • change_password_frequency: force password change after a certain number of days. Default never.
  • require_two_step_auth: require two-step authentication? Default "false".
  • num_users_maximum: max number of users. Default none.
  • num_orgs_maximum: max number of suborganizations. Default 10.
  • backups_enabled: enable backup creation? Default "true".
  • branding_enabled: enable branding support? Default "true".
  • webdav_enabled: enable WebDAV support? Default "true".
  • psa_enabled: enable PSA support? Default "true".
  • ad_enabled: enable directory server authentication support? Default "true".
  • file_server_enabled: enable File Server Enablement? Default "true".
  • trial_length_days: trial length in days. Default 30.
  • service_plans_enabled: enable service plans? Default "false".
  • require_mobile_lock: require passcode lock on mobile devices? Default "false".
  • web_preview_enabled: allow users to preview files on the web? Default "true".

Returns the created organization.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...an organization object...

Update an organization

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/update

Returns the updated organization.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...an organization object...

Disable an organization

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/disable

Enable an organization

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/enable

Delete an organization

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/delete

Update an organization's policy

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/policy/update

Returns the updated organization.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...an organization object...

List an organization's child organizations

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/organizations
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing child organizations. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 organization objects...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of organization objects.
  • total: the total number of child organizations.

Root methods

List an organization's roots

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/roots
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing roots. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 root objects...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of root objects.
  • total: the total number of roots.

Get a root

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/root/<root_id>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a root object...

List an organization's shares

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/shares
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing shares. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 root objects...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of root objects.
  • total: the total number of shares.

Create a share

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/shares/create
POST Fields
  • name: the share name.
  • description: a description of the share. Defaults to empty.
  • auto_lock: enable auto-locking of files in supported applications? Default "false".
  • notify: notify new subscribers? Default "true".
  • subscribers: a JSON list of three-tuples with the first value being a person ID, the second value being a machine ID or subscription type, "all", "future", "web", or "webdav", and the third value being an access role. Example: [[1, "all", "COLLABORATOR"], [2, "web", "COLLABORATOR"]]
  • group_subscribers: a JSON list of three-tuples with the first value being a group ID, the second value being a subscription type, "web", "webdav", or "machines", and the third value being an access role. Example: [[1, "web", "COLLABORATOR"], [2, "machines", "COLLABORATOR"]]
  • external_subscribers: a JSON list of external subscriber email addresses. These must be existing accounts in a different organization. Example: ["john@example.com", "jane@example.com"]

Returns the created share.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a root object...

Get a share

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/share/<root_id>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a root object...

Update a share

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/share/<root_id>/update
POST Fields
  • company_id: a company ID to which the share will be moved.
  • name: the share name.
  • description: a description of the share.
  • auto_lock: enable auto-locking of files in supported applications?
  • notify: notify new subscribers?

Returns the updated share.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a root object...

List share subscribers

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/share/<root_id>/subscribers
Query Parameters
  • include_from_group: include individual subscribers from subscribed groups? Defaults to "false".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "external_subscribers": {"one@example.com": "invited", "two@example.com": "accepted"},
    "from_group": [[2, "web", "COLLABORATOR"], [2, "webdav", "COLLABORATOR"], [2, "future", "COLLABORATOR"]],
    "group_subscribers": [[1, "web", "COLLABORATOR"], [1, "webdav", "COLLABORATOR"], [1, "machines", "COLLABORATOR"]],
    "subscribers": [[1, "web", "COLLABORATOR"], [3, "web", "COLLABORATOR"], [3, "future", "COLLABORATOR"]]
  • external_subscribers: a dictionary of external subscribers keyed by email address with values of "invited", "accepted", or "declined" indicating the invitee's response.
  • from_group: a list of three-tuples with the first value being a person ID, the second value being a machine ID or subscription type, "web", "webdav", or "future", and the third value being an access role.
  • group_subscribers: a list of three-tuples with the first value being a group ID, the second value being a subscription type, "web", "webdav", or "machines", and the third value being an access role.
  • subscribers: a list of three-tuples with the first value being a person ID, the second value being a machine ID or subscription type, "future", "web", or "webdav", and the third value being an access role.

Update share subscribers

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/share/<root_id>/subscribers/update
POST Fields
  • subscribers: a JSON list of three-tuples with the first value being a person ID, the second value being a machine ID or subscription type, "all", "future", "web", or "webdav", and the third value being an access role. Example: [[1, "all", "COLLABORATOR"], [2, "web", "COLLABORATOR"]]
  • group_subscribers: a JSON list of three-tuples with the first value being a group ID, the second value being a subscription type, "web", "webdav", or "machines", and the third value being an access role. Example: [[1, "web", "COLLABORATOR"], [2, "machines", "COLLABORATOR"]]
  • external_subscribers: a JSON list of tuples with the first value being an email address and the second value being an access role. Example: [["john@example.com", "COLLABORATOR"], ["jane@example.com", "VIEWER"]]
  • remove_files: remove files from unsubscribed agents? Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200

Delete a share

POST /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/share/<root_id>/delete
POST Fields
  • remove_files: remove files from subscribed agents? Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200

Machine methods

List an organization's machines

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/machines
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing machines. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 machine objects...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of machine objects.
  • total: the total number of machines.

User methods

List an organization's users

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/persons
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing people. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 person objects...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of person objects.
  • total: the total number of people.

List an organization's guests

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/guests
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing guests. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 guest objects...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of guest objects.
  • total: the total number of guests.

Group methods

List an organization's groups

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/groups
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing groups. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 group objects...
    "total": 12
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of group objects.
  • total: the total number of groups.

Authentication source methods

List an organization's authentication sources

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/auth_sources
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing child organizations. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 authentication source objects...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of authentication source objects.
  • total: the total number of authentication sources.

List an organization's authentication source nicknames

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/auth_sources/nicknames
GET /api/2/organization/<slug>/auth_sources/nicknames
GET /api/2/organization/<hostname>/auth_sources/nicknames

Organization has auth sources configured, but none have nicknames

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": []

Organization has auth sources configured with nicknames

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": [
        ...a list of auth source nickname strings...
Organization does not exist or has no auth sources configured
HTTP status code: 404
Response body:
    "error": "not_found"

Activity methods

List recent activity for an organization

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/activity
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing activity records. Defaults to 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 activity objects in reverse chronological order...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of activity objects in reverse chronological order.
  • total: the total number of activity records available for the organization.

Metrics methods

Get usage for an organization

GET /api/2/organization/<organization_id>/metrics/usage
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...an organization usage object...


The following errors may occur for any organization method and are not explicitly mentioned in the method descriptions.

Authenticated user does not have access to view or modify the organization

HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"

Organization does not exist

HTTP status code: 404
Response body:
    "error": "not_found"


Person object

A person object represents an Anchor user account.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the person

  • email string

    The person's email address

  • username string

    The person's username

  • company_id integer

    The identifier of the company to which the person belongs

  • first_name string

    The person's first name

  • last_name string

    The person's last name

  • display_name string

    The person's name formatted for display

  • root_id integer

    The identifier of the person's sync root

  • roots list

    A list of root objects to which the person is subscribed

  • space_quota integer

    The person's space quota in bytes

  • space_quota_formatted string

    The person's space quota in human friendly formatting

  • space_usage integer

    The amount of space used by the person in bytes

  • space_usage_formatted string

    The amount of space used by the person in human friendly formatting

  • can_share boolean

    Whether the person's company policy allows them to create shares

  • company_policy object

    The expanded company policy object

    "can_share": true,
    "company_policy": {
    "display_name": "First Last",
    "email": "user@example.com",
    "first_name": "First",
    "id": 1,
    "last_name": "Last",
    "root_id": 1,
    "roots": [
    "space_quota": 10000,
    "space_quota_formatted": "10k",
    "space_usage": 100,
    "space_usage_formatted": "100b",
    "type": "person",
    "username": ""

Person methods

Get a person

The person method returns information about the authenticated user or a user with a given ID or email address.

GET /api/2/person
GET /api/2/person/<person_id>
GET /api/2/person/<email>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a person object...

Create a person

POST /api/2/person/create
POST Fields
  • company_id:
  • email:
  • first_name:
  • last_name:
  • password:
  • generate_password:
  • pw_expires:
  • webdav:
  • space_quota:
  • mobile_phone:
  • site_admin:
  • system_admin:
  • create_root:
  • dept_shares:
  • group_ids:
  • quota_50:
  • quota_80:
  • quota_85:
  • quota_90:
  • quota_95:
  • quota_100:
  • send_welcome_email:

Returns the created person.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a person object...

Update a person

POST /api/2/person/<person_id>/update

Returns the updated person.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a person object...
Password unchanged

This error indicates that password was included in the request, but is the same as the existing password.

HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "password_unchanged"

Delete a person

POST /api/2/person/<person_id>/delete
POST Fields
  • remove_server_files:
  • remove_user_files: whether to delete the user's account root.
  • remove_dept_files: whether to delete files owned by the user in team shares.
HTTP status code: 200

Create an account sync root

Create a sync root for an account if one does not already exist.

POST /api/2/person/<person_id>/roots/create
POST Fields
  • webdav: whether to enable webdav access. Default "false".

Returns the created root.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a root object...

List files and folders shared by a person

GET /api/2/person/<person_id>/sharelinks
Query Parameters
  • sort_by: the field on which to sort: "created", "expires", "creator_name", "times_viewed", or "times_downloaded". Default "created".
  • sort_order: the sort direction: "asc" or "desc". Default "asc".
  • page: the results page to return: 1 to max_page. Default 1.
  • page_size: the number of results to return per page: 1 to 100. Default 20.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 20,
    "max_page": 3,
    "results": [
        ...up to page_size file and folder share link objects...
    "total": 42
  • page: the page given in the method call or 1.
  • page_size: the page_size given in the method call or 20.
  • max_page: the total number of result pages.
  • results: a list of share link objects.
  • total: the total number of result records available.

List files and folders shared with a person

GET /api/2/person/<person_id>/sharelinks/received
Query Parameters
  • sort_by: the field on which to sort: "created", "expires", "creator_name", "times_viewed", or "times_downloaded". Default "created".
  • sort_order: the sort direction: "asc" or "desc". Default "asc".
  • page: the results page to return: 1 to max_page. Default 1.
  • page_size: the number of results to return per page: 1 to 100. Default 20.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 20,
    "max_page": 3,
    "results": [
        ...up to page_size file and folder share link objects...
    "total": 42
  • page: the page given in the method call or 1.
  • page_size: the page_size given in the method call or 20.
  • max_page: the total number of result pages.
  • results: a list of share link objects.
  • total: the total number of result records available.

List recent activity for a person

GET /api/2/person/<person_id>/activity
Query Parameters
  • offset: zero-based offset from which to start listing activity records. Default 0.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "offset": 0,
    "results": [
        ...up to 100 activity objects in reverse chronological order...
    "total": 42
  • offset: the offset given in the method call or zero.
  • results: a list of activity objects in reverse chronological order.
  • total: the total number of activity records available for the person.

Enable two-step authentication

POST /api/2/person/two_step/enable
  • password: the authenticated user's password.
  • mode: the two-step authentication mode to use: "authenticator", "email", or "sms".
  • auth_code: the two-step authentication code. When excluded, triggers two-step authentication code delivery when mode is "sms" or "email". Required to complete enabling of two-step authentication.
  • mobile_phone: when mode=sms, updates the authenticated user's mobile phone number.
Step 1: auth_code is not present
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
  "backup_key": "GZTEQRKMGIYDS4JU",
  "uri": "otpauth://totp/foo@example.com?secret=GM4EUUKOKNMHEZS2OZ2UE43YNVYG4OL2"
Step 2: auth_code provided
HTTP status code: 200
Password or authentication code are not valid
HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"

Disable two-step authentication

POST /api/2/person/two_step/disable
  • password: the authenticated user's password.
  • auth_code: the two-step authentication code. When excluded, triggers two-step authentication code delivery when configured two-step mode is "sms" or "email". Required to complete disabling of two-step authentication.
HTTP status code: 200
Password or authentication code are not valid
HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"

Two-step authentication recovery

POST /api/2/person/two_step/recovery
  • email: the email address of the user initiating two-step recovery.
  • backup_key: the user's two-step recovery backup key.
HTTP status code: 200
Backup key can not be verified
HTTP status code: 401
Response body:
    "error": "access_denied"


The following errors may occur for any person method and are not explicitly mentioned in the method descriptions.

Authenticated user does not have access to view or modify the person

HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"

Person does not exist

HTTP status code: 404
Response body:
    "error": "not_found"


Guest object

A guest represents a restricted account with limited access to shared files.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the guest

  • company_id integer

    The identifier of the company to which the guest belongs

  • creator_id integer

    The identifier of the person who created the guest

  • email string

    The guest's email address

  • first_name string

    The guest's first name

  • last_name string

    The guest's last name

  • active boolean

    Whether the guest account is active

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the guest was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

    "active": true,
    "company_id": 1,
    "created": "2015-01-01T01:02:03",
    "creator_id": 1,
    "email": "guest@example.com",
    "first_name": "First",
    "id": 1,
    "last_name": "Last",
    "type": "guest"

Guest methods

Get a guest

Retrieve a guest by ID or email address.

GET /api/2/guest/<guest_id>
GET /api/2/guest/<email>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a guest object...

Create a guest

POST /api/2/guest/create
POST Fields
  • company_id: the identifier of the company in which to create the guest.
  • first_name: the guest's first name.
  • last_name: the guest's last name.
  • email: the guest's email address.
  • password: the guest's password. Required if generate_password is "false".
  • generate_password: whether to automatically generate a password. Required if password is not provided. Default "false".
  • send_welcome_email: send a welcome email to the guest? Default "false".
  • pw_expires: number of hours until the password expires. Valid options are empty (never), "6", "12", and "24". Default never.

Returns the created guest.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a guest object...

Update a guest

POST /api/2/guest/<guest_id>/update
POST Fields
  • first_name: the guest's first name.
  • last_name: the guest's last name.
  • email: the guest's email address.
  • password: the guest's password.
  • pw_expires: number of hours until the password expires. Valid options are empty (never), "6", "12", and "24". Default never.

Returns the updated guest.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a guest object...

Delete a guest

POST /api/2/guest/<guest_id>/delete
HTTP status code: 200

Get files and folders shared with a guest

GET /api/2/guest/<guest_id>/shares
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": [
        ...file share link objects...

Convert a guest to a standard account

POST /api/2/guest/<guest_id>/convert

Returns the created account.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a person object...
User limit exceeded

Occurs when converting the guest account would exceed the organization's account limit.

HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "user_limit_exceeded",
    "error_description": "User limit has been reached."


Group object

A group represents a collection of users and other groups.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the group

  • company_id integer

    The unique identifier for the group's organization

  • name string

    The group name

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the group was created in in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • active boolean

    Whether the group is active

    "active": true,
    "company_id": 2,
    "created": "2016-03-30T05:57:23",
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Example Group",
    "type": "group"

Group methods

Create a group

POST /api/2/group/create
POST Fields
  • name: the group name.
  • company_id: the organization ID in which to create the group.
  • members: a JSON list of integer person IDs.
  • member_groups: a JSON list of integer group IDs.

Returns the created group.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a group object...

Get a group

GET /api/2/group/<group_id>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a group object...

Update a group

POST /api/2/group/<group_id>/update
POST Fields
  • name: the group name.

Returns the updated group.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a group object...

List group members

GET /api/2/group/<group_id>/members
Query Parameters
  • include_from_group: include individual subscribers from subscribed groups? Defaults to "false".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "member_groups": [
    "member_groups_from_group": [
    "members": [
    "members_from_group": [
  • member_groups: a list of group IDs that are direct members of the group.
  • member_groups_from_group: a list of group IDs that are inherited members of the group. Only present if include_from_group is "true".
  • members: a list of person IDs that are direct members of the group.
  • members_from_group: a list of person IDs that are inherited members of the group. Only present if include_from_group is "true".

Update group members

POST /api/2/group/<group_id>/members/update
POST Fields
  • members: a JSON list of integer person IDs.
  • member_groups: a JSON list of integer group IDs.
  • remove_files: remove files from unsubscribed agents? Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200

Delete a group

POST /api/2/group/<group_id>/delete
POST Fields
  • remove_files: remove files from subscribed agents? Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200


Machine object

A machine represents a device used to connect to Anchor, such as a computer, phone, or tablet.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the machine

  • dns_name string

    A descriptive name for the machine, such as the host name or device manufacturer and model

  • nickname string

  • last_login string

    The date/time in UTC the machine last logged in in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. Used by the desktop agent.

  • guid string

    A globally unique identifier assigned to the machine

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the machine was created in in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • os_type string

    The machine's system type, such as "win", "osx", "android" or "ios"

  • os_version string

    The machine's system version, such as "5.1.0"

  • agent_version string

    The agent version installed on the machine. Used by the desktop agent.

  • locked boolean

  • bandwidth_throttle integer

  • throttle_exception_days string

  • throttle_exception_dow list of integers

  • throttle_exception_start string

  • throttle_exception_end string

  • throttle_exception_throttle integer

  • throttled boolean

    Whether bandwidth throttling is enabled for the machine

  • machine_type string

    The machine type

  • last_disconnect string

    The date/time in UTC the machine last disconnected in in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. Used by the desktop agent.

  • health_report_period_minutes integer

    Average number of minutes between machine health reports or null if using the agent default health report period.

  • health_report_period_minutes_min integer

    Minimum number of minutes between machine health reports or null if using the agent default health report period.

  • health_report_period_minutes_max integer

    Maximum number of minutes between machine health reports or null if using the agent default health report period.

  • manual_collisions boolean

    "agent_version": null,
    "bandwidth_throttle": null,
    "created": "2015-01-01T01:02:03",
    "dns_name": "Google Nexus 6",
    "guid": "794f7f67-3bd6-407c-9274-be735b880143",
    "health_report_period_minutes": null,
    "id": 1,
    "last_disconnect": null,
    "last_login": null,
    "locked": false,
    "machine_type": "mobile",
    "manual_collisions": true,
    "nickname": null,
    "os_type": "android",
    "os_version": "5.1.0",
    "throttle_exception_days": null,
    "throttle_exception_dow": null,
    "throttle_exception_end": null,
    "throttle_exception_start": null,
    "throttle_exception_throttle": null,
    "throttled": false,
    "type": "machine"

Machine mapping object

A machine mapping represents a path on a file server enabled machine mapped to a root.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the mapping

  • machine_id integer

    The identifier of the file server enabled machine to which the root is mapped

  • name string

    The mapping name

  • path string

    The path on the file server enabled machine to which the root is mapped

  • person_id integer

    The identifier of the account if the mapped root is an account root

  • root_id integer

    The identifier of the mapped root

  • share boolean

    Whether the mapped root is a share

    "id": 1234,
    "machine_id": 1,
    "name": "Example Share",
    "path": "C:\Example1",
    "person_id": null,
    "root_id": 2,
    "share": true,
    "type": "machine_mapping"

Backup object

A backup represents a backup root mapped to a path on a file server enabled machine.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the backup

  • machine_id integer

    The identifier of the file server enabled machine to which the root is mapped

  • path string

    The path on the file server enabled machine from which files are backed up

    "id": 1234,
    "machine_id": 1,
    "path": "C:\\Example",
    "type": "backup"

Machine methods

Get a machine

GET /api/2/machine/<machine_id>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a machine object...

Get a machine's status

GET /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/status
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": {
        "subscriptions": [
                "excl_files": 1,
                "rsub_id": 1234,
                "synced": true,
                "synced_folder": "C:\\Example"
        "synced": true,
        "transfers": []

File Server Enablement methods

Enable file server on a machine

POST /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/server/enable
HTTP status code: 200

Disable file server on a machine

POST /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/server/disable
HTTP status code: 200

List files on a file server enabled machine

POST /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/ls
POST Fields
  • path: the directory path to list, or none to list drives. Default none.
  • username: the username if path is a network path and requires authentication. Default none.
  • password: the password if path is a network path and requires authentication. Default none.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": [

List mapped paths on a file server enabled machine

GET /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/mappings
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": [
        ...machine_mapping objects...

Map a path on a file server enabled machine to a root

POST /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/mappings/create
POST Fields
  • root_id: the identifier of the root to be mapped.
  • path: the path on the file server enabled machine to which the root will be mapped.
  • username: the username if path is a network path and requires authentication. Default none.
  • password: the password if path is a network path and requires authentication. Default none.

Returns the created mapping.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a machine_mapping object...

Get a machine mapping

GET /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/mapping/<mapping_id>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a machine_mapping object...

Delete a machine mapping

POST /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/mapping/<mapping_id>/delete
HTTP status code: 200

Backup methods

List backups

GET /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/backups
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": [
        ...backup objects...

Create a backup

POST /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/backups/create
POST Fields
  • path: the path on the file server enabled machine to which the root will be mapped.
  • username: the username if path is a network path and requires authentication. Default none.
  • password: the password if path is a network path and requires authentication. Default none.

Returns the created backup.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a backup object...

Get a backup

GET /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/backup/<root_id>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a backup object...

Restore a backup

POST /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/backup/<root_id>/restore
POST Fields
  • path: the path on the file server enabled machine to which the backup will be restored.
  • to_machine_id: the id of the machine to which the backup will be restored. Defaults to restore to the machine the backup is on.

Returns the updated backup object.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a backup object...

Delete a backup

POST /api/2/machine/<machine_id>/backup/<root_id>/delete
HTTP status code: 200


The following errors may occur for any machine method and are not explicitly mentioned in the method descriptions.

Authenticated user does not have access to view or modify the machine

HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"

Machine does not exist

HTTP status code: 404
Response body:
    "error": "not_found"


Activity object

An activity represents a logged action including details of the acting entity and the affected entity.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the activity

  • actor_type string

    The entity type triggering the activity

  • actor_text string

    The description of the entity triggering the activity

  • actor_company_id integer

  • actor_machine_id integer

  • actor_person_id integer

  • actor_guest_id integer

  • action_text string

    Additional description of the action taken

  • acted_on_type string

    The entity type being acted upon

  • acted_on_text string

    The description of the entity type being acted upon

  • acted_on_company_id integer

  • acted_on_machine_id integer

  • acted_on_person_id integer

  • acted_on_guest_id integer

  • acted_on_root_id integer

  • acted_on_group_id integer

  • data_text string

    The description of the action taken

  • activity_type_id integer

    The identifier of the activity type for this activity

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the activity occurred in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • processed boolean

    "acted_on_company_id": 1,
    "acted_on_group_id": null,
    "acted_on_guest_id": null,
    "acted_on_machine_id": null,
    "acted_on_person_id": null,
    "acted_on_root_id": null,
    "acted_on_text": "Example Company",
    "acted_on_type": "site",
    "action_text": null,
    "activity_type_id": 8,
    "actor_company_id": null,
    "actor_guest_id": null,
    "actor_machine_id": null,
    "actor_person_id": 1,
    "actor_text": "First Last",
    "actor_type": "person",
    "created": "2015-01-01T01:02:03",
    "data_text": "increased from 4.00G to 100.00G",
    "id": 123,
    "processed": true,
    "type": "activity"

Activity type object

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the activity type

  • activity string

    The activity description

  • machine_scope boolean

    Whether the activity is performed within the scope of a machine

  • user_scope boolean

    Whether the activity is performed within the scope of a user

  • system_scope boolean

    Whether the activity is performed at the system level

    "activity": "added organization",
    "id": 3,
    "machine_scope": false,
    "system_scope": false,
    "type": "activity_type",
    "user_scope": false

Activity methods

Get a list of activity types

GET /api/2/activity/types
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "results": [
        ...a list of activity objects...

Get an activity record

GET /api/2/activity/<activity_id>
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...an activity object...

Create an activity record

POST /api/2/activity/create

Returns the created activity record.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...an activity object...


The following errors may occur for any activity method and are not explicitly mentioned in the method descriptions.

Authenticated user does not have access to view or modify the activity or activity type

HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"

Activity or activity type does not exist

HTTP status code: 404
Response body:
    "error": "not_found"

Authentication source

Authentication source object

An authentication source represents a directory server from which users may be imported.

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier for the authentication source

  • host string

    The hostname of the directory server

  • domain string

    The domain name on the directory server to use for importing users

  • login string

    The user name used to access the directory server

  • port integer

    The port number of the directory server

  • protocol integer

  • ssl boolean

    Whether the directory server uses SSL/TLS

  • machine_id integer

  • nickname string

    A public nickname for the authentication source, displayed to visitors on the login page

    "domain": "example.com",
    "host": "localhost",
    "id": 1,
    "login": "example",
    "machine_id": null,
    "nickname": "example",
    "port": null,
    "protocol": null,
    "ssl": false,
    "type": "auth_source"

Share link

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier of the file share link

  • hash string

    The "public" hash used to create the unique share link URL

  • file object

    The shared file object

  • root_id integer

    The identifier of the root containing the shared file

  • creator_id integer

    The identifier of the share link creator

  • creator_name string

    The name of the share link creator for display

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the share link was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • expires string

    The date the share expires in the format YYYY-MM-DD or null if it has no expiration

  • login_required boolean

    Whether the share link is public (false) or only accessible to authenticated subscribers (true)

  • download_limit integer

    The maximum number of times the share link may be downloaded or null if there is no limit

  • download_notify boolean

    Whether the share link creator is notified when the shared file is downloaded

  • anon_edit boolean

    Whether files may be edited via the public share link URL (i.e. by anonymous users)

  • subscribers array

    An array of share link subscriber objects. Note: this may not always contain the full list of subscribers, depending on the context of the request. For example, when getting files and folders shared with a guest only the subscriber details for the guest being requested will be returned.

  • times_downloaded integer

    Total number of times the shared file has been downloaded. May vary based on the context of the request.

  • times_viewed integer

    Total number of times the share link has been accessed. May vary based on the context of the request.

  • url string

    The share link URL.

    "anon_edit": false,
    "created": "2019-03-27T10:42:34",
    "creator_name": "Jane Doe",
    "creator_id": 1,
    "download_limit": 1000,
    "download_notify": true,
    "expires": "2019-04-28",
    "file": {
        ...a file object...
    "hash": "10d2d8d4e15e91",
    "id": 1,
    "login_required": true,
    "root_id": 1,
    "subscribers": [
        ...share link subscriber objects...
    "times_downloaded": 0,
    "times_viewed": 0,
    "type": "file_sharelink",
    "url": "http://example.com/shares/file/10d2d8d4e15e91/"

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier of the folder share link

  • hash string

    The "public" hash used to create the unique share link URL

  • folder object

    The shared folder object

  • root_id integer

    The identifier of the root containing the shared folder

  • creator_id integer

    The identifier of the share link creator

  • creator_name string

    The name of the share link creator for display

  • created string

    The date/time in UTC the share link was created in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS

  • expires string

    The date the share link expires in the format YYYY-MM-DD or null if it has no expiration

  • login_required boolean

    Whether the share link is public (false) or only accessible to authenticated subscribers (true)

  • download_limit integer

    The maximum number of times the share link may be downloaded or null if there is no limit

  • download_notify boolean

    Whether the share link creator is notified when the shared folder is downloaded via the share link

  • upload_notify boolean

    Whether the share link creator is notified when a file is uploaded to the shared folder via the share link

  • anon_edit boolean

    Whether files may be edited via the public share link URL (i.e. by anonymous users)

  • subscribers array

    An array of share link subscriber objects. Note: this may not always contain the full list of subscribers, depending on the context of the request. For example, when getting files and folders shared with a guest only the subscriber details for the guest being requested will be returned.

  • times_downloaded integer

    Total number of times the shared folder has been downloaded. May vary based on the context of the request.

  • times_viewed integer

    Total number of times the share link has been accessed. May vary based on the context of the request.

  • url string

    The share link URL.

    "anon_edit": false,
    "created": "2019-03-27T11:54:34",
    "creator_name": "Jane Doe",
    "creator_id": 1,
    "download_limit": null,
    "download_notify": false,
    "expires": null,
    "folder": {
        ...a folder object...
    "hash": "10d2d8d4e15e91",
    "id": 1,
    "login_required": false,
    "root_id": 1,
    "subscribers": [
        ...share link subscriber objects...
    "times_downloaded": 0,
    "times_viewed": 0,
    "type": "folder_sharelink",
    "upload_notify": false,
    "url": "http://example.com/shares/folder/10d2d8d4e15e91/"

  • type string


  • id integer

    The unique identifier of the share link subscription

  • hash string

    The subscriber's share hash used to create their unique share link URL

  • read_access boolean

    Whether the subscriber has read access.

  • write_access boolean

    Whether the subscriber has write access.

  • delete_access boolean

    Whether the subscriber has delete access.

  • subscriber_type string

    The subscriber type associated with the subscription: person, guest, group, or email

  • subscriber object or string

    An object containing additional subscriber metadata when subscriber_type is person, guest, or group. The subscriber's email address as a string when subscriber_type is email.

  • times_downloaded integer

    Number of times the shared file or folder was downloaded using the subscriber's share hash.

  • times_viewed integer

    Number of times the share link was accessed using the subscriber's share hash.

  • url string

    The subscriber's share link URL.

    "delete_access": false,
    "hash": "d2d8d4e119105e",
    "id": 1,
    "read_access": true,
    "subscriber": {
        "email": "example@example.com",
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Jane Doe"
    "subscriber_type": "person",
    "times_downloaded": 0,
    "times_viewed": 0,
    "type": "sharelink_subscriber",
    "write_access": false,
    "url": "http://example.com/shares/file/d2d8d4e119105e/"

Share link methods

Get a share link by ID

GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>
Query Parameters
  • include_subscribers: whether to include share link subscribers in the response. Only the share creator or an administrator may view all subscribers for a share link; otherwise, the response will include only the requester's subscriber object. "true" or "false". Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a file share link object or a folder share link object...

Get a share link by hash

GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>
Query Parameters
  • include_subscribers: whether to include share link subscribers in the response. Only the share creator or an administrator may view all subscribers for a share link; otherwise, the response will include only the requester's subscriber object. "true" or "false". Default "false".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a file share link object or a folder share link object...

Update a share link

PUT /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>
  • login_required: whether the share link is public (false) or only accessible to authenticated subscribers (true). "true" or "false".
  • expires: the date the share link expires in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
  • download_limit: the maximum number of times the share link may be downloaded.
  • download_notify: whether the share link creator is notified when the shared file or folder is downloaded via the share link. "true" or "false".
  • upload_notify: whether the share link creator is notified when a file is uploaded to the shared folder via the share link. "true" or "false". Only applicable for folder share links.
  • anon_edit: whether files may be edited via the public share link URL (i.e. by anonymous users). "true" or "false".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a file share link object or a folder share link object...

Delete a share link

DELETE /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>
HTTP status code: 200

Add a share link subscriber by email

POST /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/subscribers
  • email: the subscriber's email address.
  • write_access: whether the subscriber has access to upload and edit files in a shared folder. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • delete_access: whether the subscriber has access to delete files from a shared folder. Only applicable for folder share links. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • notify: whether to notify the subscriber of the new subscription. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • message: an additional message to include in the subscription notification when notify is "true". Default none.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a share link subscriber object...

Add a share link subscriber by type and ID

POST /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/subscribers
  • subscriber_type: the subscriber's type ("person", "guest", or "group").
  • subscriber_id: the subscriber's ID (e.g. the group ID when subscriber_type is "group").
  • write_access: whether the subscriber has access to upload and edit files in a shared folder. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • delete_access: whether the subscriber has access to delete files from a shared folder. Only applicable for folder share links. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • notify: whether to notify the subscriber of the new subscription. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • message: an additional message to include in the subscription notification when notify is "true". Default none.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a share link subscriber object...

Update a share link subscriber

PUT /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/subscribers/<subscriber_id>
  • write_access: whether the subscriber has access to upload and edit files in a shared folder. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • delete_access: whether the subscriber has access to delete files from a shared folder. Only applicable for folder share links. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • notify: whether to notify the subscriber of the new subscription. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • message: an additional message to include in the subscription notification when notify is "true". Default none.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a share link subscriber object...

Delete a share link subscriber

DELETE /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/subscribers/<subscriber_id>
HTTP status code: 200

Shared content methods

Get share link folder metadata

GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/folder/<folder_id>
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/folder/<folder_id>
Query Parameters
  • include_ancestors: whether to include the folder's ancestors in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • include_children: whether to include the folder's children in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_lock_info: whether to include lock information in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • hash: the hash value returned by the last call to this method. Only used when include_children is "true".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a folder object...

children is a list of file and folder metadata objects within the folder. It is only present when include_children is "true".

The hash value represents a signature for the response data. If the hash value in the response would be identical to the hash value passed by the client, then HTTP 304 Not Modified will be returned. hash is only present when include_children is "true".

Get metadata for a shared folder's children

GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/children
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/children
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/folder/<folder_id>/children
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/folder/<folder_id>/children

Returns metadata for the immediate children of a shared folder with options for sorting and pagination.

Query Parameters
  • include_deleted: whether to include deleted children in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_lock_info: whether to include lock information in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
  • include_permissions: whether to include the user's file and folder permissions in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • sort_by: the field on which to sort: "name", "modified", or "size". Default "name".
  • sort_order: the sort direction: "asc" or "desc". Default "asc".
  • page: the results page to return: 1 to max_page. Default 1.
  • page_size: the number of results to return per page: 1 to 100. Default 20.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 20,
    "max_page": 3,
    "results": [
        ...up to page_size file and folder objects...
    "total": 42

Get share link file metadata

GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/<file_id>
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/<file_id>
Query Parameters
  • include_ancestors: whether to include the file's ancestors in the response. "true" or "false". Default "false".
  • include_lock_info: whether to include lock information in the response. "true" or "false". Default "true".
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...a file object...

Download all share link contents

GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/download
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/view

These endpoints are used to download the complete contents of a share link, the file itself for a shared file or the zipped contents of a shared folder.

Whether the file is downloaded via the download endpoint or view endpoint determines the Content-Disposition in the response -- attachment or inline, respectively. A shared folder does not support view and will respond with a 404.

Query Parameters
  • file_ids: a comma-separated list of file IDs to include in the download. Must be direct children of the resource specified in the request. Only available for the download endpoint.
  • folder_ids: a comma-separated list of folder IDs to include in the download. Must be direct children of the resource specified in the request. Only available for the download endpoint.

If either file_ids or folder_ids is present, the download will include only the items specified.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
<binary file data>

Download a file within a shared folder

GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/<file_id>/download
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/<file_id>/view
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/<file_id>/download
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/<file_id>/view

These endpoints are used to download a specific file within a shared folder.

Whether the file is downloaded via the download endpoint or view endpoint determines the Content-Disposition in the response -- attachment or inline, respectively.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
<binary file data>

Download a subfolder of a shared folder

GET /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/folder/<folder_id>/download
GET /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/folder/<folder_id>/download

These endpoints are used to download a specific folder within a shared folder as a zip file.

Query Parameters
  • file_ids: a comma-separated list of file IDs to include in the download. Must be direct children of the resource specified in the request. Only available for the download endpoint.
  • folder_ids: a comma-separated list of folder IDs to include in the download. Must be direct children of the resource specified in the request. Only available for the download endpoint.

If either file_ids or folder_ids is present, the download will include only the items specified.

HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
<binary file data>

Create a subfolder in a shared folder

POST /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/create_folder
POST /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/create_folder
POST /api/2/sharelinks/<sharelink_id>/files/folder/<folder_id>/create_folder
POST /api/2/sharelinks/<hash>/files/folder/<folder_id>/create_folder
  • name: the new folder name. Required.
HTTP status code: 200
Response body:
    ...folder metadata...
Invalid folder name
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "invalid_name"
Folder name is too long
HTTP status code: 400
Response body:
    "error": "name_too_long"
A folder with the same name already exists
HTTP status code: 409
Response body:
    "error": "name_conflict"


The following errors may occur for any share link method and are not explicitly mentioned in the method descriptions.

Authenticated user does not have access to view or modify the share link

HTTP status code: 403
Response body:
    "error": "forbidden"

Share link does not exist

HTTP status code: 404
Response body:
    "error": "not_found"

Change Log

Date Changes
  • Added health_report_period_minutes_min and health_report_period_minutes_max to the machine object
  • Added methods to get share link file and folder metadata
  • Added "include_ancestors" support to all file/folder metadata methods
  • Added "name" attribute to file and folder objects